Budapest, Hungary, on 7-11 October 2014
Deadline for paper proposals30.11.2013
ImageՆախաօսմանյան շրջանի և օսմանագիտության միջազգային կոմիտեի (CIEPO) կողմից արդեն քսանմեկերորդ անգամ կազմակերպվող միջազգային գիտաժողովն այս տարի անց է կացվելու Բուդապեշտում: Այս գիտաժողովը միավորում է աշխարհի տարբեր երկրներից ժամանած ավելի քան երկու հարյուր օսմանագետ/թուրքագետների, որոնք առանձին կամ խմբային ելույթներով իրենց գործընկերների հետ կիսվում են կատարված հետազոտությունների արդյունքներով: Բացի դրանից CIEPO-ն սահմանել է 1000 եվրո հատուկ մրցանակ լավագույն հոդվածի համար (մանրամասներն այստեղ):  Նախորդ տարիների գիտաժողովի ծրագրին մասնակիցների ցուցակին կարելի է ծանոթանալ այստեղ:
Խորհրդաժողովին ներկայացվելիք թեմաները ընդգրկում են թուրքագիտության/օսմանագիտության ամենալայն ոլորտները, ուստի այն հատկապես օգտակար է երիտասարդ գիտնականների համար: 
The Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Turkish Studies, Oriental Institute, Lorαnd University announce that the 21th conference of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies / Comite International des etudes pre-ottomanes et ottomanes – (CIEPO) will take place in Budapest, Hungary, on 7-11 October 2014.
The organizers encourage thematic panels, but proposals for individual papers may also be submitted. Each panel will consist of normally four, but exceptionally three or five to maximum six papers. Each paper – in a panel or independent – will be of a duration of 15 minutes; panels should ideally also include a brief 5-minute introductory presentation of their theme and rationale.The languages of the conference are English, French, German, and Turkish.
The conference does not have a specific theme, but the organizers encourage panels and individual papers which fall under the following main topics:
  • Political, ethnic and religious transformation in Anatolia from the 11th to the 13th century,
  •  Ottoman military history: strategies, logistics and conduct of war,
  • Ethnic and cultural acculturation in the Ottoman Empire,
  • Conversion and confessionalism in the Ottoman Empire,
  • Autonomies in the Ottoman Empire,
  • The historical relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Europe,
  • Central and provincial elites in the Ottoman Empire,
  • Nomads and semi-nomads within the Ottoman economic and administrative system,
  •  Literature, art, architecture and science in the service of constructing Ottoman identity.’
With overall participation being restricted for organizational reasons, Abstracts will become more important for the selection process. They will constitute, apart from considerations of chronological and topical balance, the principal basis for being accepted/rejected by the Vetting Board.
All Abstracts must therefore clearly define:
– the objective of the contribution, its context and method
– two or more sources on which the contribution is built
– the innovative character of the contribution by indicating where itgoes beyond what is already in the common domain.
Abstracts may be composed in any of the accepted Conference languages.The Title of the Abstract will be taken as the Title of the Contribution to be announced in the Programme. Any intended changes must be communicated to the Organisers in good time. The language in which the paper is presented must be identical with that of the Title of the Contribution as announced in the Programme. This applies to Titles of Individual papers as well as to those of Panels (and to those communications that make up a Panel). Any exceptions need to be cleared with the Organisers in advance of the printing of the Final Programme.
Proposals must be submitted in the attached forms (please see below), and must be sent by email to ciepo2014@btk.mta.hu, where also all queries should be addressed. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 November 2013.
Abstracts for individual papers should not exceed 400 words. Proposals for panels should include abstracts of up to 300 words for each paper, but also an abstract of up to 400 words for the general theme of the panel,also explaining how the four papers interconnect and how they contribute to the theme. Proposals for panels must be submitted by the panel leader,i.e., the person who takes the initiative to organize the panel.The proposals for panels and individual papers will be examined by an international Vetting Board which will be appointed by the CIEPO Executive Board, and will consist of members of the CIEPO Governing Directorate.
The selection process will be double-blind, following the established academic practice for peer review; the names of the members of the Vetting Board will not be announced, and the panel and paper proposals will be forwarded to the Vetting Board by the local organizers without names. The results of the selection process will be announced through the local organizers by 15 February 2014. In case there are appeals (which will have to be submitted to the local organizers by 28 February 2014), the CIEPO President will act as arbitrator.
Details about the registration fee, as well as about accommodation options in Budapest, will be announced in the end of February 2014, after the selection process. To provide a rough idea, the registration fee will be 100 euros. The conference participants will have to cover themselves the costs of travel, accommodation, and some meals. The conference will include four days of sessions, and a full-day excursion.
The organizers,
Pál Fodor, Géza Dávid, Sándor Papp
Մասնակցության հայտը տե՛ս այստեղ: