What’s up in Turkish and Ottoman Studies: new books in 2018
Before fully going into 2019 I would like to suggest a quick view on what has been published in the field of Turkish and Ottoman Studies during 2018. My previous…
Before fully going into 2019 I would like to suggest a quick view on what has been published in the field of Turkish and Ottoman Studies during 2018. My previous…
While nearly everybody is making preparations for an august vacation far from Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi or Adalar, I decided to gather all the new publications in Turkish Studies (those, I found in my horizone during this year and those in English and Turkish) and put them in a single post. This may somehow play the role of the yearly Türkologische Anzeiger (Turkology Annual) Online list, which has not been updated for a while. I hope, this could be of support for any scholar of Turkey who wants to get a systematic overview of recent publications.
If you have any additions (I’m pretty sure, that there must be many), please, write them in the comments.
Iyi tatiller ve kolay gelsin!
Ottoman Empire (history, culture, society)